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About Us

Making a good first impression has always been vital in creating relationships, that may not be any truer than in the online world we live in today. A world where a couple seconds is all you have before you are directed to the left or to the right. Most times this first impression doesn’t necessarily highlight you at your best.  It could be a not so flattering selfie, maybe a group photo taken after a long night out or simply a picture that may be a bit dated. In any case, having the ability to showcase your best self may be the difference between leaving an impression and leaving your impression.


At PicPivot, our mission is to provide you the ability to control how you are seen.  With the slightest bit of intention, we believe everyone has the potential to take a great photo or create an even better memory. We understand asking friends or family to take photos can cause a little anxiety and hiring a professional photographer can get quite expensive.  PicPivot provides a discreet personalized shoot at a location of your choice for a price you can handle. Don’t just settle for your best photo, settle for your best self!

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